Sunday 14 July 2019

Growth is significant to reduce poverty

Growth is significant to reduce poverty

India lifted 271 mn people out of poverty in 10 yrs

Pakistan has lifted 6.2% of its population out of acute poverty during five-year

6.2 percent of 212 million is 13.14 million

Let’s do simple mathematical analysis
1. Indian population is 6.3 times than Pakistan
1. If we multiply 6.3 with 13.14million populationmout of poverty in the last five years. It is 83.1 million
3. if same process continues for next five years then it will become 166.2 million
4. India lifted 271 million
5. If we divide 271 with 166.2 then we will have 1.63 factor which shows that 63 percent more reduction India has experienced
6. Now look at this Pakistan’s average growth in the last 4-5 years was 4.6 percent and India’s average growth rate was 7.5 percent
7. Divide 7.5 with 4.6. It will come 1.63. Which shows that India’s growth rate was 63 percent more than Pakistan.
8. This simple maths show that growth is the main reason for reduction in poverty.


Unknown said...

I do agree with this that growth is engine and one of the main parameters to drive people out of poverty. But with growth the distribution policies has to be in line to reduce poverty.

M Ali Kemal's Blog said...

redistribution is very important